Nerf Football Mallard Ducks

This hunt is Epic. This recipe is even more epic. Good buddy Joel Whicker joins [...]

An Asian Mallard Duck Hunt and Dinner Combo

The Provider Team is back in Canada and now they have the mallard duck back [...]

A Goose Hunt Pulled In Many Directions

The Provider Team is in Alberta, Canada chasing Canada geese, specklebelly geese, and other waterfowl [...]

A Thai Twist on a Nevada Bull Elk

Clay Belding and the rest of Team Provider scour the Nevada mountain scape in search [...]

Duck Raviolis In The Snow

The Provider Team chases mallard ducks in a stormy snow covered bean field with some [...]

Traeger Smoked Wild Turkey Blueberry Slaw Street Tacos

A quick video breakdown of a wild game recipe by Joel Kleefisch. Joel is showing [...]

Honey and Lemon Grilled Quail

Celebrate summer with this bright, flavorful Upland dish that is easy to prepare and is [...]

Fried Catfish Po’ Boy Recipe

Fried catfish was one of my grandmother's favorites, and since I began cooking professionally, I've [...]

Wild Snow Goose Street Tacos

Coming off a successful snow goose hunt Chad and the Fowl Life team show a [...]

Sesame Wild Duck Recipe

A quick wild game cooking video tutorial showing the steps to prepare a delicious sesame [...]